Fury: chiusura imminente

Fury il MMORPG action  incentrato sul pvp sviluppato da  Auran Games è giunto alla fine della sua breve vita.

Con un annuncio sul forum ufficiale è  iniziato il conto alla rovescia di 48 ore per la chiusura dei server.

Il gioco non ha mai goduto dell’apprezzamento del pubblico pensato in un primo momento come titolo a pagamento è passato quasi subito a titolo gratuito, il motivo principale della chiusura si individua nella mancanza di un metodo di guadagno in grado di far sopravvivere Fury nel complesso e agguerrito mercato dei titoli online.

Ecco  l’annuncio ufficiale:


We have reached our time limit to find a solution that would help us keep the Fury servers open. Sadly, no solution has been found and so we have no alternative than to shut the servers down in 48 hours.

To all those players who have enjoyed Fury and played countless battles, I am sorry that we could not find a viable business model that would allow you to continue playing. To all those naysayers and doomsdayers, we know that deep down you wanted Fury to succeed. Have fun with your parting wishes

To the Auran team, who put their heart and soul into making Fury, thanks for your efforts. As I said many times before, we need to be much better than the competition to have a chance of succeeding. We gave it everything we had and history now judges that it still wasn’t good enough.

Whilst this marks the end of the Fury chapter, who knows what the future may bring. There were many gems hidden within Fury and many lessons learned. Hopefully one day the full potential can be realized in some other form.

So for now, so long and thanks for all the fish.

P.S. We informed all stores more than a month ago to remove stock from their shelves. If you have purchased a copy of Fury in the past month, we suggest you return it to the store.
P.P.S. This website will also close down in 48 hours.

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