Iron Front – Liberation 1944: Disponibile la prima patch

Deep Silver e X1 Software/AWAR hanno annunciato oggi la patch di  Iron Front – Liberation 1944, lo sparatutto tattico è ambientato nella devastata Polonia nelle ultime fasi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 

La patch risolve alcuni bugs grafici e aggiunge nuove mappe alla modalità multiplayer, vi elenchiamo di seguito la lista della patch:

Version 1.01 Changelog
*New: Added the big historical castle of Baranow, with interior and rich detail, a perfect place for battles.
*New: Reworked the environment objects for the most missions of German campaign.
*New: Around 60 new multiplayer missions added.C&H, A&D, Tank DM, CTF
*New: Long distance firing sight added to StuG III tank.
*New: Various new animations of infantry introduced.
*New: Added a new module for the aircraft terrain view.
*New: New system of disarming the mines.
*Fixed: Various crashes, especially when buildings were demolished.
*Fixed: Various errors and crashes of the German campaign.
*Fixed: Various errors of the tank system.
*Fixed: Several small technical fixes of the infantry.
*Fixed: Updates and fixes of the Russian campaign.
*Fixed: Corrections of weapons, proved necessary after further tests of the testers.
*Fixed: Fixed the work of anti-tank rocket in the multiplayer.
*Fixed: Various buildings fixes.
*Fixed: Small custcenes errors.
*Fixed: Panzerschreck ballistics.
*Updated: 15 multiplayer missions updated, updated the Blitzkrieg gametype.

*Updated: Small fixes of Baranow and Staszow map. 

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