Killzone 3: rilasciata la patch 1.03

In seguito ai problemi riscontrati dai videogiocatori durante la Beta gratuita di Killzone 3, Guerrilla Games ha fatto tesoro dei suggerimenti e ha rilasciato oggi la patch 1.03 per correggere i bug del comparto multigiocatore online.

Direttamente dal sito ufficiale vi riportiamo le migliorie presenti nell’update:

– Increased the number of melee kills needed to unlock Increased Accuracy
– StA-3 LMG has had its spread increased and overall accuracy lowered
– Lowered the range and recoil of the LS-57 SMG
– Silent Footsteps has been removed as a ribbon and is now an unlockable skill
– Capturing a Capture and Hold area in Operations will award the same amount of points as it does in Warzone it was previously worth less
– A specific screen has been added to inform players when a Skill has been unlocked
– Medic: The LS-57 SMG replaces their previously equipped StA-11 SMG
– Medic: The M224-1A LMG replaces their previously equipped LS-13 Shotgun
– Engineer: The StA-11 SMG replaces their previously equipped LS-57 SMG
– Tactician: The LS-13 Shotgun replaces their previously equipped M224-1A LMG
– Tactician: Neutralizing and capturing Tactical Spawn Areas now have two different timers, allowing you to neutralize the ownership away from the enemy faction quicker
– Tactician: Spot & Mark has been rebalanced – it will now ‘pulse’ like a sonar for 30 seconds, rather than stay constantly active during its duration
– Infiltrator: Disguise ranges for each rank has been adjusted. At rank 1, any player can see through Disguise when targeting the Infiltrator. At rank 2, a player must be within 30m range. At rank 3, a player must be within 15m range. Additionally, Disguise at rank 2 has had its timer set to ‘indefinite’ and is no longer based on a timer.
– Infiltrator: The sprint speed modifier earned from Survivalist has been decreased
– New online trophies can be unlocked from the Retro Pack DLC
– Kick-voting has been added to online matches
– Experience points earned for completing mission objectives has been increased

Clans and Squads
– You can no longer rejoin a clan match that has already finished
– Current clan ratings are more accurately reflected at the beginning of the match
– Players will no longer start the game in a squad by themselves
– Clan matches will no longer end in a draw if one clan quits out (therefore forfeiting) before the remaining clan is able to score points in Guerrilla Warfare
– You will no longer hang after pressing the Start button right after accepting a clan invite on the region select screen

Network Issues
– Network errors experienced during the open beta, such as 20002 and 8001, should no longer occur
– A 30 second time-out has been added to Multiplayer “joining” screen, should you experience an interruption in your connection
– Players that don’t have the Retro Pack, who tried joining a friend who was currently playing on a Retro Pack map, will no longer receive a network error code

General Bugs
– You will no longer have the “Your Faction Has Won/Lost” image roll over into subsequent matches
– You will no longer receive multiple unlock points when the server is out of sync
– You will no longer accumulate additional unlock points after everything has been unlocked
– Fixed an issue that caused the menu to stop responding after switching rapidly between the career unlocks screen and the multiplayer main menu
– The Bullet Damage ribbon reward is now applied to all primary and secondary weapons that fire bullets
– Tactician: Fixed an issue that prevented players from re-activating Spot & Mark for 60 seconds after they were killed with it active

Stutter issues stemming from cutscenes that were loaded from the menu have been resolved
Icy Incursion: Audio is now in sync during the cutscene played while streaming into Providence Station
Improved streaming performance for a smoother gameplay experience

-Sharp shooter:
Square button is mapped to Jump when using the Sharpshooter
Adjusted the deadzone modifier when using the Sharpshooter
– PlayStation Move:
Fixed a possible crash that could occur after playing the campaign while using the motion controller

– Killzone 3 is now integrated into the PSN store
– Enhanced security features included to deter cheating


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