Nioh 2, arriva l’update PC alla versione 1.25.1

Team Ninja ha appena rilasciato un aggiornamento post go-live per Nioh 2.

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition è senza dubbio un prodotto splendido e ricco di contenuti, tuttavia in alcune situazioni (e soprattutto nei casi in cui il PC che lo fa girare non sia così prestazionale) l’opera tutta risente di alcuni cali di frame rate abbastanza evidente e di qualche difetto minore, compresi alcuni sparuti eventi che portano al crash del codice di gioco.

Nioh 2 update 1.25.1

Team Ninja è appena intervenuta introducendo la patch 1.25.1 che mitiga senz’altro il problema del drop di frame, cogliendo la palla al balzo per offrire alcuni bug fix e ulteriori correzioni.

In seguito, riportiamo il changelog completo dell’update di Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition alla versione 1.25.1 (in inglese, almeno per il momento):

  • The confirmation button can now be changed from “Controls”.
  • Fixed an issue where the lock-on target would switch when the mouse was moved, even if the “Move Camera/Switch Lock-On Target” setting was changed to an option other than “Move Mouse” in “Keyboard & Mouse Settings”.
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse sensitivity could become so high that it became impossible to change the settings.
  • Fixed an issue which sometimes prevented the selection of certain resolutions and caused the game screen to be cut off due to the Windows settings.Nioh 2 update 1.25.1
  • Fixed an issue which made the game prone to crashing in certain environments.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when displaying the descriptions of equipment special effects.
  • Alleviated the issue where the frame rate tended to drop when “Effect Quality” was set to “High” in “Graphics Settings”.
  • Reduced the tendency for the game to run slowly when certain attacks hit the walls.
  • Fixed an issue that caused black bars to appear on the left and right sides of the screen during multiplayer on ultra-wide monitors.
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