[RUMOUR] Annunciato Assassin’s Creed V?

Dopo i rumours che indicavano il Giappone Feudale e la Russia come ambientazione del nuovo Assassin’s Creed V, in rete è comparso un comunicato firmato da Ubisoft, che rivelerebbe la Londra della Rivoluzione Industriale come ambientazione di Assassin’s Creed V.

Ubisoft® Uncloak An All-New Era With Assassin’s Creed® V
Paris, France – 04 Mar 2014


Today, Ubisoft announced Assassin’s Creed® V, the next major release in the award winning, best-selling franchise. Assassin’s Creed V serves as the introduction to an all new hero, setting and gameplay mechanics as the Assassin’s Creed franchise hits a new era.


Assassin’s Creed V has been in the development cycle for almost three years, at Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto with development support from Ubisoft studios at Annecy, Quebec and Montpellier. Assassin’s Creed V will release on the PlayStation®4 from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC. The game will release worldwide on November 4, 2014.


In the events of the ongoing Industrial Revolution, Assassin’s Creed V follows the story of Samuel Fey, as he enters the Assassin Order in a time of change and Templar rule. Fey is a successful and respectful entrepreneur, who works outside the corrupt law to guarantee the security of his own and others’ futures. Taking place during the closing years of the Industrial Revolution in Victorian London, players will explore all new locales as they uncover the truth behind the hidden ongoing rebellion.


Assassin’s Creed V is the turning point for the franchise, featuring completely revised stealth and combat mechanics, powered by the next-generation Ubisoft AnvilX engine and all-new gameplay features and systems. While Assassin’s Creed acts as Ubisoft’s rescope for the franchise, it maintains the key touch points that the series is built upon.


Assassin’s Creed V can be pre-ordered at UBIShop® by visiting: http://shop.ubi.com/AC5


Limited, Collectors and Special Editions will be available after further information is uncovered in the coming weeks.
For more details and information on Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed V, please visit: assassinscreed.com and facebook.com/assassinscreed.


©2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.


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Analizzando il comunicato nel dettaglio vengono rivelate delle interessanti informazioni:

  • Il gioco verrà annunciato il prossimo 4 marzo (domani).
  • Lo sviluppo dura da tre anni presso Ubisoft Montreal e Ubisoft Toronto, con il supporto delle filiali di Annecy, Quebec e Montpellier.
  • Uscirà il 4 novembre in esclusiva per le console di nuova generazione per PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.
  • Sarà ambientato all’epoca della Rivoluzione Industriale nella Londra Vittoriana
  • Il nuovo protagonista sarà Samuel Fey.
  • Nuove caratteristiche dedicate al gameplay e rivisitato il sistema di combattimento incluse le azioni stealth.

Restate sintonizzati su GameSource per ulteriori nuove informazioni.

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