Svelate le Challenges di Guitar Hero 5

Brian Bright di Neversoft svela, parlando con il sito Destructoid, una delle nuove features che appariranno nel prossimo Guitar Hero: le Challenges.

Cosa sono le Challenges, semplicemente degli obbiettivi da raggiungere suonando determinati brani, una volta raggiunti verranno sbloccati degli extra come nuovi vestiti ed oggetti. Ogni brano avrà il suo tipo di obbiettivo, che può variare dal suonare correttamente quante più note possibili a mantenere il moltiplicatore fermo a 4x. Inoltre alcuni obbiettivi possono essere raggiunti solo utilizzando uno specifico strumento, altri invece soltanto nella modalità multiplayer Band, ma niente paura, Bright specifica che se un componente della banda riesce a raggiungere un determinato obbiettivo, l’oggetto sbloccato verrà dato in ricompensa a tutti i membri di quella banda, e grazie al fatto che una banda si può formare anche online sarà possibile sbloccare tutto anche senza possedere tutti i tipi di periferica supportati.

Tutte le Challenges verranno divise in tre categorie che ne indicano la difficoltà: Oro (Gold), Platino (Platinum), Diamante (Diamond), di seguito un elenco parziale in inglese preso direttamente da Destructoid.

"Song 2" – Blur

Band – Score as many points as possible

    * Gold = 500,000 points
    * Platinum = 1,000,000 points
    * Diamond = 2,000,000 points

Gold unlocks "Eyeball Hat Pack"


"Gamma Ray" – Beck

Bassist – Hit as many notes as you can only strumming up

    * Gold = 340 note
    * Platinum = 540 note
    * Diamond = 695 notes

Gold unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker outfit, Eddie’s "Casual Wednesday" outfit


"In My Place" – Coldplay

Guitarist – Whammy the sustains as long as possible

    * Gold = 30 seconds
    * Platinum = 40 seconds
    * Diamond = 80 seconds

Gold unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker outfit, Casey’s "Sharp Shooter" outfit


"Fame" – David Bowie

Vocalist – Nail the descending "fames" at the end of the song.

    * Gold = 5  notes
    * Platinum = 20 notes
    * Diamond = 24 notes

Platinum unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker outfit, Johnny’s "Sartorial Eloquence" oufit


"Woman From Tokyo (’99 Remix)" – Deep Purple

Band – Score as much as you can while in Star Power

    * Gold = 312,500
    * Platinum = 625,000
    * Diamond = 1,250,000 (points)

Gold unlocks: A new Rock Star Creator accessory, "Peg Leg Shoe"


"Sex On Fire" – Kings of Leon

Band – Refill the Star Power Meter as many times as possible

    * Gold = 300% star power fills
    * Platinum = 450% star power fills
    * Diamond = 800% star power fills

Platinum unlocks: A new mic, "Crutch and Hooked" mic stand


"L.A." – Elliot Smith

Bass – Hit as many hammer ons and pull offs as you can

    * Gold = 4 HOPOs  
    * Platinum = 45 HOPOs  
    * Diamond = 90 HOPOs

Platinum unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker outft, Pandora’s "Strapped" outfit


"No One to Depend On (Live)" – Santana

Guitarist – Maintain a multiplier of 4x or higher.

    * Gold = 35 seconds
    * Platinum = 75 seconds
    * Diamond = 160 seconds

Beating songs unlocks: Carlos Santana, Santana Shirt, and PRS Santana MD Guitar


"Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)" – Elton John

Band – Score as many points as possible

    * Gold = 1,500,000 points
    * Platinum = 3,000,000 points
    * Diamond = 6,000,000 points

Platinum unlocks: A new hat pack, "The Succubus" and "8 Track Playa" Hat


"Runnin’ Down a Dream" – Tom Petty

Guitarist – Whammy the sustains as long as possible

    * Gold = 30 seconds
    * Platinum = 60 seconds
    * Diamond = 80 seconds

Platinum unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker Outfit, Judy’s "Mall Chic" Outfit


"Back Round" – Wolfmother

Bassist – Maintain a multiplier of 4x or higher

    * Gold = 70 seconds
    * Platinum = 100 seconds
    * Diamond = 190 seconds

Platinum unlocks: A new Guitar Hero rocker Outfit,  Pandora’s "State of Fluxus" outfit


"Deadbolt" – Thrice

Bassist – Hit as many open notes as you can

    * Gold = 75 notes
    * Platinum = 125 notes
    * Diamond = 164 notes

Gold unlocks: A new Rockstar Creator accessory, "Cast" accessory


"Lust For Life (Live)" – Iggy Pop

Guitarist – Get the highest note streak you can

    * Gold = 100 notes
    * Platinum = 375 notes
    * Diamond = 600  notes

Platinum unlocks: A secret character


"Demon(s)" –  Darkest Hour

Bassist – Hit as many open notes as you can

    * Gold = 180
    * Platinum = 300  
    * Diamond = 339 (notes)

Platinum unlocks: A new guitar instrument, "Heroes Skull (Bass)"

Ricordiamo che Guitar Hero 5 è previsto verso la fine di Settembre su Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 e PS2.

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